Arogya Bharati Karnataka

About Us

Arogya Bharati is a voluntary organization of service minded people and groups who have interest in the health of the society, who are ‘aspired by a sense of dedication, motivated by Bharatiya life values, having regard and appreciation for different systems of medicine and engaged in co-ordinating and organising them to build a healthy nation.

To give shape to the lofty ideals mentioned above, on the auspicious day of ‘Sri Dhanvantri Jayanthi’ (Kartik Krishna Trayodashi) November 2, 2002 “Arogya Bharathi” was born in Kochi, Kerala.

Health is of utmost importance for a person to lead a righteous life (Dharma), for increasing his wealth (Artha), for fulfilling his desires (Karma) and for self realization (Moksha), Happiness, prosperity and progress are deeply connected to health. Our country will be considered great and prosperous only when every common man of the country is healthy.

Eighty percent of India lives in its villages. But the health in our villages is deplorable. Even in this 21st century the mortality because of common diseases like fever, diarrhoea, hunger, sunstroke, malaria, tuberculosis is very high because of poverty, ignorance and superstitions. Infant mortality, maternal mortality and malnutrition also is high in our country.

People who are below the poverty line should be weaned away from harmful habits like alcohol addiction, gutka and gambling and they should be taught about, affordable nutritious food. Attempt should be made to get them out of superstitions and communicable diseases through scientific health education.

This should be done by an approachable person from the same. community. He will be called “AROGYA MITRA”.

A large number of diseases can be controlled by personal and sot-Li hygiene and potable drinking water. Many diseases can be preventec by spreading information about nutritious and balanced diet and a natural and healthy lifestyle. We are forgetting the core values in life bN, ignorantly copying the western lifestyles and distancing ourselves from the Indian way of life. So many lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, arthritis, cancer and mental illnesses are burdening us.

Our Health is:

We are under the delusion that health means corporate hospitals, medical specialists, modern equipment and modern medicine. Unknowingly we are pushing ourselves downward in this economic tangle and causing ourselves a lot of hardships. We have to learn through health education, what is health and how to save ourselves from common illnesses to get out of this poisonous web. To get this message across to the students, parents and the youth is the goal of “AROGYA BHARATHI”.

To achieve these goals “AROGYA BHARATHI” has undertaken the following programmes:

  • Comprehensive Health and Health education to school children.
  • Training in First Aid at various levels.
  • To spread the awareness of Healthy Indian life style.
  • Training in home remedies.
  • To scientifically examine and encourage traditional medicines and local cures.
  • AROGYA MITRA” (Health volunteers) appointment in villages and seva basthies and giving training to them.
  • Holistic approach in treatment.
  • To incorporate Medical students for health related sev activities as an “AROGYA BHARATHI” ,Volunteer..